=> CREATE FUNCTION qty(aircraft_code char, fare_conditions varchar) RETURNS bigint AS $$ SELECT count(*) FROM flights f JOIN boarding_passes bp ON bp.flight_id = f.flight_id JOIN seats s ON s.aircraft_code = f.aircraft_code AND s.seat_no = bp.seat_no WHERE f.aircraft_code = qty.aircraft_code AND s.fare_conditions = qty.fare_conditions; $$ STABLE LANGUAGE sql;
=> CREATE FUNCTION report() RETURNS TABLE(model text, economy bigint, comfort bigint, business bigint) AS $$ DECLARE r record; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT a.aircraft_code, a.model FROM aircrafts a ORDER BY a.model LOOP report.model := r.model; report.economy := qty(r.aircraft_code, 'Economy'); report.comfort := qty(r.aircraft_code, 'Comfort'); report.business := qty(r.aircraft_code, 'Business'); RETURN NEXT; END LOOP; END; $$ STABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Включаем вывод операторов и времени их выполнения в журнал:
=> SET log_min_duration_statement = 0;
=> SELECT * FROM report();
model | economy | comfort | business ---------------------+---------+---------+---------- Аэробус A319-100 | 337129 | 0 | 70232 Аэробус A320-200 | 0 | 0 | 0 Аэробус A321-200 | 649388 | 0 | 127982 Боинг 737-300 | 589901 | 0 | 59829 Боинг 767-300 | 817621 | 0 | 127947 Боинг 777-300 | 895896 | 132571 | 83080 Бомбардье CRJ-200 | 1155683 | 0 | 0 Сессна 208 Караван | 111096 | 0 | 0 Сухой Суперджет-100 | 2425034 | 0 | 342423 (9 rows)
postgres$ tail -n 1 /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-10-main.log
2019-02-13 13:18:07.598 MSK [15142] postgres@demo LOG: duration: 26297.018 ms statement: SELECT * FROM report();
Вложенные SQL-операторы не выводятся.
=> LOAD 'auto_explain';
=> RESET log_min_duration_statement;
=> SET auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0;
=> SET auto_explain.log_nested_statements = on;
=> SELECT * FROM report();
model | economy | comfort | business ---------------------+---------+---------+---------- Аэробус A319-100 | 337129 | 0 | 70232 Аэробус A320-200 | 0 | 0 | 0 Аэробус A321-200 | 649388 | 0 | 127982 Боинг 737-300 | 589901 | 0 | 59829 Боинг 767-300 | 817621 | 0 | 127947 Боинг 777-300 | 895896 | 132571 | 83080 Бомбардье CRJ-200 | 1155683 | 0 | 0 Сессна 208 Караван | 111096 | 0 | 0 Сухой Суперджет-100 | 2425034 | 0 | 342423 (9 rows)
Выведем несколько последних строк:
postgres$ tail -n 30 /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-10-main.log
-> Gather (cost=104104.20..104104.41 rows=2 width=8) Workers Planned: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=103104.20..103104.21 rows=1 width=8) -> Hash Join (cost=5453.83..102909.20 rows=78002 width=0) Hash Cond: ((bp.seat_no)::text = (s.seat_no)::text) -> Hash Join (cost=5437.56..101791.98 rows=412799 width=7) Hash Cond: (bp.flight_id = f.flight_id) -> Parallel Seq Scan on boarding_passes bp (cost=0.00..87685.35 rows=3302435 width=7) -> Hash (cost=5101.84..5101.84 rows=26858 width=8) Buckets: 65536 (originally 32768) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 1766kB -> Seq Scan on flights f (cost=0.00..5101.84 rows=26858 width=8) Filter: (aircraft_code = $1) -> Hash (cost=15.64..15.64 rows=50 width=7) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 5kB -> Bitmap Heap Scan on seats s (cost=5.41..15.64 rows=50 width=7) Recheck Cond: (aircraft_code = $1) Filter: ((fare_conditions)::text = ($2)::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on seats_pkey (cost=0.00..5.39 rows=149 width=0) Index Cond: (aircraft_code = $1) 2019-02-13 13:18:32.977 MSK [15142] postgres@demo CONTEXT: SQL function "qty" statement 1 PL/pgSQL function report() line 9 at assignment 2019-02-13 13:18:32.978 MSK [15142] postgres@demo LOG: duration: 0.158 ms plan: Query Text: SELECT a.aircraft_code, a.model FROM aircrafts a ORDER BY a.model Sort (cost=3.51..3.53 rows=9 width=48) Sort Key: ((ml.model ->> lang())) -> Seq Scan on aircrafts_data ml (cost=0.00..3.36 rows=9 width=48) 2019-02-13 13:18:32.978 MSK [15142] postgres@demo CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function report() line 5 at FOR over SELECT rows 2019-02-13 13:18:32.978 MSK [15142] postgres@demo LOG: duration: 24922.590 ms plan: Query Text: SELECT * FROM report(); Function Scan on report (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=56)
В журнал попадают вложенные запросы и планы выполнения - собственно, это и есть основная функция расширения.